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Identify CRMs from Tech Stack

Knowing the CRM tools used by potential clients in sales can significantly enhance your targeting strategy. Using the AI Column Node in, you can quickly identify CRM technologies from a company's tech stack, enabling your sales team to tailor their approach and pitch more effectively. This method helps streamline building targeted lists, ensuring that your outreach efforts are strategic and relevant.



Practical Applications

Sales Prospecting
  • By identifying the CRM systems used by prospective clients, your sales team can tailor their pitches to align with the client's current technology stack, increasing the chances of successful engagement.
  • Sales teams can prioritize leads that use specific CRM tools that are compatible with your product or service, making the sales process smoother and more efficient.
Competitive Analysis
  • Understanding which CRMs are prevalent in your industry can help in positioning your product against competitors and highlighting unique selling points that resonate with your prospects.
  • By analyzing the CRM tools used across various companies, you can identify gaps in the market where your product could provide added value.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Set Input Dataset

Here is a sample dataset representing a company's tech stack. The goal is to identify the CRM technologies within the tech stack.


Step 2. Define the AI Prompt

Prompt Example
Identify the CRM technologies used by the company from the @Tech_Stack column. If there is more than one CRM, output them in a comma-separated alphabetical list. If you can't identify the CRM, leave the output empty. Give no other outputs.
Why This Prompt Is Good
  • The prompt clearly instructs the AI to identify CRM technologies and handle multiple CRMs appropriately.
  • By focusing on the @Tech_Stack column, the AI targets the correct data for processing.
  • The instruction to output in an alphabetical list ensures consistency, and the directive to leave the output empty if no CRM is identified maintains a clean and focused dataset.


Step 3. Configure the Flow Designer

  1. Add the input dataset to the flow designer.
  2. Select the AI Column node from the tools panel and enter the prompt.
  3. Start with a row-by-row execution to fine-tune your prompt.
  4. Correct your prompt, regenerate any single row, or remove all previous results.
  5. Once you satisfied with the prompt, apply the AI Column Node to all rows (it will be applied only for empty cells).
  6. For very large datasets that are bigger than 10,000 rows, run the flow for runtime processing over the whole dataset. Be aware that it can be costly for a large amount of data.


Step 4. Get Final Result

Here is the dataset after using the AI Column Node with the provided prompt to identify the CRM technologies:

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