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Personalize Emails

Personalizing emails can significantly enhance engagement by tailoring content to individual recipients. Using AI-driven personalization, you can create customized emails efficiently and effectively, ensuring each recipient feels valued and understood.



Practical Applications

Marketing Campaigns
  • Crafting personalized promotional emails that address customers by name and recommend products based on their past purchases.
  • Sending tailored newsletters with content relevant to the recipient's interests and preferences.
Customer Onboarding
  • Welcoming new users with personalized emails that guide them through the initial setup process and offer relevant resources.
  • Providing tailored follow-up emails to new customers, highlighting features or services based on their profile.
Event Invitations
  • Creating personalized event invitations that include the recipient's name, event details, and a customized message encouraging attendance.
  • Sending follow-up emails with personalized thank-you notes and post-event materials.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Set Input Dataset

Consider a dataset containing user information that needs to be used to generate personalized email content. Here is a sample dataset before generating the emails:


Step 2. Define the AI Prompt

The most crucial aspect of leveraging AI effectively is crafting a precise and relevant prompt. A well-defined prompt ensures the AI understands the task clearly, leading to accurate and useful outputs. This involves being specific about the desired outcome, providing necessary context, and avoiding ambiguity.

Prompt Example
Generate a personalized email for @Name, who recently purchased @Last_Purchase and is interested in @Interest. The email should be engaging and relevant to the recipient's interests. Make the emails feel personable and catchy, but short. Do not include the subject line, just the body of the email. Start your response with "Hey" "Hi" or "Hello”
Why This Prompt Is Good
  • Clearly states the task (generating a personalized email).
  • Mentions the specific columns (@Name, @Last_Purchase, @Interest) that contain relevant information for personalization.
  • Emphasizes creating an engaging and relevant email, ensuring the output is meaningful and valuable to the recipient.


Step 3. Configure the Flow Designer

  1. Add the input dataset to the flow designer.
  2. Select the AI Column node from the tools panel and enter the prompt.
  3. Start with a row-by-row execution to fine-tune your prompt.
  4. Correct your prompt, regenerate any single row, or remove all previous results.
  5. Once you satisfied with the prompt, apply the AI Column Node to all rows (it will be applied only for empty cells).
  6. For very large datasets that are bigger than 10,000 rows, run the flow for runtime processing over the whole dataset. Be aware that it can be costly for a large amount of data.


Step 4. Get Final Result

Here is the dataset after using the AI Column Node to generate personalized emails: